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Why We Must Use Stop Loss While Trading

Trading in financial markets, whether it’s stocks, forex, or commodities, comes with inherent risks. One of the essential tools that…

Helia Karina Helia Karina

How to Be Rich in 3 Years: A Comprehensive Guide

Becoming rich in three years is an ambitious goal, but with strategic planning, disciplined execution, and a bit of luck,…

Helia Karina Helia Karina

Malaysia: Ready to Join BRICS?

Malaysia, as one of the fastest growing countries in Southeast Asia, has shown increasing interest in joining BRICS, an economic…

Helia Karina Helia Karina

Malaysia Forecasts Ringgit Appreciation, Rejects Currency Peg for 2024

KUALA LUMPUR - In a bold move signaling confidence in its economy, Malaysia has announced its expectation for the ringgit…

Helia Karina Helia Karina

Malaysia’s Central Bank Urges Reform as Economy Gains Strength

Amidst signs of economic recovery and resilience, Malaysia's central bank has issued a strong call for structural reforms to sustain…

Helia Karina Helia Karina

Transformasi Digital dan Revolusi Industri 4.0 dalam Ekonomi Global

Dalam era globalisasi yang pesat, transformasi digital dan revolusi industri 4.0 telah menjadi pendorong utama dalam perkembangan ekonomi global. Perubahan…

Helia Karina Helia Karina

The Tailwind Continues to Blow in Certain Parts

Markets have seen a remarkable flow into the second quarter of the year as the tailwind in forex markets continues…

Helia Karina Helia Karina